Stay in the art with In Person or Virtual class sessions!

Dear Actors,
By appointment one on one class sessions will continue in 1/2 hour blocks Monday – Thursday, with a choice to come work in person, or to have your session virtually. We have simplified the titles of our offerings on our appointment maker site to “Virtual” or “In Person”. For those enrolled in a class package, each appointment will count as one class. The link to make appointments is:  
Hours are 11:15am – 5pm, with 15 minute grace periods between each appointment. Please note that the system only allows for you to make a class appointment up to one week in advance.
If coming in for an in person session, as part of our compliance with social distancing guidelines, please fill out and return the attached “Covid-19” waiver before participating. The form also outlines the measures we will be taking to help keep you and your fellow artists safe. Please note, no one will be allowed to work in person without an appointment and without a completed waiver. 
We know that this is still a constantly changing situation, and will monitor city and state mandates and announce adjustments accordingly.  
We encourage you to use the session in any way that you like. If coming to work in person, camera will be set up, but you can also choose to work without the camera if you prefer. Material for our “Actor’s Gym” and “On Camera Audition” classes will still be updated and posted weekly on our website, or you can also bring your own material. If bringing your own material, please email a copy if available.
“Actor’s Gym” will still be offered via Zoom every Friday at 12noon! Email us during the week if you’d like to participate. 
  If you’d like to schedule a virtual or in person private coaching session with Greg, you can make an appointment via email. Also, feel free to reach out via email if you have any questions.
Greg & Matthew
The New Collective

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